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Marion-Dillon Parent Guardian Association
Since 1974, the Marion-Dillon County Board of Disabilities and Special Needs has provided services to people with intellectual & developmental disabilities, autism, head & spinal cord injuries and other related disabilities.
The Marion-Dillon County Board of Disabilities and Special Needs maintains administrative offices in Marion, South Carolina at 400 Martin Luther King Jr. Drive and at 1219 Highway 34 West in Dillon, South Carolina. Family support services are coordinated from our office located at 306 Martin Luther King, Jr. Drive in Marion, South Carolina.
We provide day habilitation services at Sheltered Workshops located onsite at our Marion and Dillon administrative centers.
We operate a resale shop, Twice as Nice, located at 135 West Main Street in Dillon, which accepts donations of salable items from the community. We also serve the community through the Happy Blooms greenhouses, located behind our Dillon offices.
Service Coordinators assist in matching individual needs with available services and help guide people to appropriate community resources for adults and school age children.
Early Interventionists handle cases of pre-school children, advocating for necessary service and supports.