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Maryland Disability Law Center
Maryland Disability Law Center (MDLC) is the Protection and Advocacy agency for the State of Maryland mandated to advance the civil rights of people with disabilities. MDLC is part of a nationwide network of organizations working to advance the rights of people with disabilities. MDLC advocates improve the lives of people with disabilities. MDLC provides free legal services to Marylanders with disabilities on matters that are related to their disabilities and fall within our advocacy service areas.
MDLC’s advocacy services are developed in close collaboration with the community of people we serve, and in compliance with our funding sources. We help people with disabilities pursue opportunities to participate fully in all aspects of community life, and champion their rights to self-determination, dignity, equality, choice and freedom from harm. By advancing the rights of people with disabilities, we strive to create a more just and inclusive society.
Advocacy service areas include:
- Children's Mental Health
- Adult Mental Health
- Developmental Disabilities
- Education
- Access to Community-based services for people in nursing facilities
- Access to community-based services for people with traumatic brain injury
- Civil rights in public programs
- Advocacy for Beneficiaries of Social Security
- Voting rights
- Medicaid and Public Policy