Maryland Respite Coalition

Address: 451 Hungerford Drive, Suite 119
Rockville, MD 20850
Phone: (240) 453-9585 Email: Website:

Maryland Respite Coalition

Phone: 240-453-9585

The Maryland Respite Coalition (MRCC) is a statewide organization that advocates the need for Respite Care Services for all caregivers. Respite Care provides a break for the caregiver who is caring for a child, adult, friend or neighbor with special needs or circumstances. MRCC is a grassroots, all volunteer organization that envisions all caregivers receiving quality Respite Care Services.

The Maryland Respite Care Coalition (MRCC) is an influential voice for increasing public awareness of the escalating need for quality respite care. Through its sponsorship of the Annual Awareness Day Conferences in the State of Maryland, MRCC has established a successful, ongoing forum for individuals, caregivers, providers, advocates and policymakers to share information, experiences, and training in creating effective programs to assist and empower families with respite requirements

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