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MASSACHUSETTS MassMATCH Assistive Technology Program
MassMATCH is the Commonwealth's initiative to Maximize Assistive Technology (AT) in Consumer's Hands. Through partnerships with community-based organizations, MassMATCH is currently creating new AT programs and working to coordinate AT services throughout the Commonwealth. MassMATCH is one of 56 state-level AT initiatives in the United States. Our mission is to promote the use of assistive technology and assistive technology services to enhance the independence of people with disabilities, enabling equal participation in all of life's activities.
Assistive Technology Regional Centers are operating in western and eastern Massachusetts; visit them to learn about, try out or borrow a needed AT device.
Massachusetts Assistive Technology Loan Program (MATLP) is an alternative financing program funded through state and federal resources to give people with disabilities and their families access to low-interest cash loans to buy the assistive technology devices they need.
Massachusetts Rehabilitation Commission
600 Washington Street
Boston, MA 02111
1-866-682-9955 (Toll Free)
617-204-3851 (Voice)
617-204-3877 (FAX)