MassHealth Disability Accommodation Ombudsman

Address: Miriam Brathwaite, Representative/Coordinator,, 100 Hancock Street, 6th Floor
Quincy, MA 02171
Phone: (617) 847-3788 Website:

Our programs include:
Health Safety Net – A program that provides access to health care for low income uninsured and underinsured residents of Massachusetts that do not have access to affordable health insurance.
Acquired Brain Injury Waivers – Helps Medicaid-eligible persons with ABI move to the community from a nursing facility or chronic or rehabilitation hospital and get community based services.
SpecialKids/Special Care Pilot Program – The Department of Children and Families (DCF) and MassHealth cosponsor a pilot program to enroll certain children in foster care who have special health-care needs.
Student Health Insurance – Massachusetts law required every full-time and part time student enrolled in an institution of high learning in Massachusetts to participate in a qualifying student health insurance program or health benefit plan with comparable coverage.

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