MATLN – Minnesota Assistive Technology Loan Network (for augmentative and alternative communication devices)

Address: 1821 University Avenue, Suite 180 N
St. Paul, MN 55104
Phone: (651) 646-7588 Email: Website:

UCP of Minnesota


The Minnesota Assistive Technology Loan Network (MATLN), is a program of United Cerebral Palsy of Minnesota. The MATLN mission is to empower people with speech, language and communication disabilities through the use of assistive technology education, support and equipment access.
MATLN is a loan library containing over 50 augmentative and alternative communication (A A C) devices, and more than 200 total items to meet your special communication needs. We lend devices to anyone regardless of age or disability for a trial of 30 days. Our program works very well for individuals who are sampling an A A C device for a future purchase, or when a device is out on repair.  UCP of Minnesota lends augmentative communications devices to anyone who is nonverbal or has a speech impairment. The speech impairment could be as a result of cerebral palsy, brain injury, cancer, Multiple Sclerosis; stroke, Autism, Down Syndrome or hearing impairment.  MATLN is under the governance of a committee consisting of professionals and A A C users who help to coordinate program activities such as events, and educational workshops. We place extraordinary value in the time that our volunteers put into our mission.

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