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MCCS MCRD San Diego – Exceptional Family Member Program
The Marine Corps Exceptional Family Member Program (EFMP) is a mandatory enrollment program designed to coordinate permanent change of station assignments for active duty sponsors who have a family member with special needs. When Marines are assigned to locations where their family members have access to required care, it allows the Marine to focus on the mission, enhancing the individual and family readiness. EFMP assists Marines in managing the dual demands of a Marine Corps career and the special needs of a family member.
At the Marine Corps Recruit Depot (MCRD) San Diego, we provide services and care to families assigned to the MCRD San and families stationed at recruiting stations in the Western Recruiting Region (WRR). We also assist Navy families assigned to the MCRD San Diego. Family Case Workers (619) 524-8030 (619) 524-8116 (619) 524-8086