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Meadows Educational Center Special Education School
"Located on the Brattleboro Retreat campus, the Meadows Educational Center is Vermont State Board of Education Approved Independent School offering an elementary, middle, and high school curriculum for K-12 students. All students enrolled in either the Residential or Partial Hospital Program attend the Meadows Educational Center.
A typical student-teacher ratio at the Meadows Educational Center is one teacher for every eight students. This allows for highly individualized educational support for each student. The Meadows Educational Center works closely with each student’s local school and family to provide an integrated educational experience (including IEP services) and prepare each student to return to his/her local school. Representatives from our students' home schools, along with parents or guardians, can visit the Meadows Educational Center as needed.
Curriculum: Core courses include math, science, history and English as well as electives in art, physical education and health. Extra reading and math help is available within the school's resource room. The curriculum meets the educational, clinical and behavioral needs of our students as well as the requirements of Vermont’s educational standards. All credits are transferable to the student’s home school.
Our teachers and staff are part of each student's overall treatment team. Daily communication between Meadows and the student's program unit (inpatient, residential, partial hospitalization or day program) helps to integrate academics with clinical and behavioral treatment and ensure the best total care for each individual. The Meadows Educational Center is also able to offer General Education Diploma (GED) testing in cooperation with Vermont Adult Learning."