Meeting the Challenge, Inc.

Address: 3630 Sinton Road, Suite 103
Colorado Springs, CO 80907
Phone: (719) 444-0252 Email: Website:

For individuals and organizations with rights and responsibilities under disability laws, Meeting the Challenge provides the premier starting place for clear understanding and guidance to solve compliance challenges because only Meeting the Challenge has the broad based knowledge, network access, and resources as demonstrated by our 20 year history of delivering and increasing access for people with disabilities.
Our fundamental goal is to organize and present information to users in a form that increases their awareness and understanding of the underlying disability law. This awareness and understanding allows them to implement the laws within their organization based on the knowledge gained.
Central to this goal is transformation of data into information, dissemination of that information, and presentation of the information in an easy-to-use manner. MTC believes that technology, including knowledge management systems, the Internet, and the worldwide web, can be valuable tools in the transformation, dissemination, and presentation of information.

Was Your Child's CP Preventable?