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Mental Health Association in South Carolina
Mental Health America of South Carolina (MHASC) has served the state of South Carolina since 1954 as a private, not for profit, 501(c) 3 organization. In 2004, MHASC celebrated its golden anniversary as an affiliate of the oldest mental health advocacy organization in the nation. MHASC has 23 affiliates, 7 of which are staffed, but much of the work is accomplished by dedicated volunteers who lend their time and talents to the daily tasks of running the organizations. We are a grassroots organization with the state office, MHASC, providing a statewide presence with governmental agencies, developing policies which guide activities across the state, following legislation which will improve and expand mental health care in South Carolina, establishing local affiliates in counties not currently represented in our family and providing leadership, oversight, guidance and support to our local affiliates already in existence.
The state association sponsors statewide educational conferences and initiatives to achieve our mission. MHASC sponsors annual conferences on mental health issues, maintains a resource library and web page and coordinates statewide health fairs and screenings. We educate civic groups, churches, the media, elected officials and the public about mental illness. We help navigate the state mental health system for clients and lobby for sound mental health practices and funding in the S.C General Assembly.