Mental Health Association of South Central Kansas (MHASCK)

Address: 555 N. Woodlawn,, Suite 1305
Wichita,, KS 67208
Phone: (316) 685-1821 Website:

We are a 501(c)3 non-profit organization, a United Way agency and an affiliate of Sedgwick County COMCARE. We believe these partnerships enable us to provide comprehensive services to our area. The Mission of the Mental Health Association is to empower and assist youth, families and adults in our community to achieve optimal mental health and wellness through education, advocacy, and service.

Our Vision is achievement of a just, humane, and healthy society where all people are treated with respect, dignity, and the opportunity to achieve their full potential free from stigma and prejudice.

The Counseling Center at MHA: A program of the Mental Health Association of South Central Kansas and, as with other services provided by the Association, was initiated on the basis of community need. The array of services available at the Association, in addition to counseling and medication management include:
Professional seminars, staff training, depression screening and public education.
Volunteer mentoring matches for children and adults who experience a mental illness.
Pathways prevention/education groups for preschool through secondary school youth.
Peer education, advocacy, and support for parents of emotionally disturbed children.
Case management, attendant care, psychosocial groups for children and adults.
Residential care, including housing and support services for adults.
Volunteer support services for vulnerable and disabled elderly persons.

Residential Care: The services are designed to provide smooth, effective transition from treatment to independent living. Residents enhance social, independent and daily living skills by interacting individually and in groups developing new ways to cope with the symptoms and impact of their illness. Residential Care offers an array of housing options, as well as special programs that emphasize developing personal relationships and basic life skills training. Housing programs include Group Homes, Transitional Housing, Independent Housing, and Senior Housing.

Rehabilitation Services: The purpose of rehabilitation is to deliver mental health services that promote recovery. Rehabilitation services are designed to assist children or adults improve or maintain:
Daily living skills
Social/leisure skills
Grooming/personal hygiene skills
Meal preparation
Medication management etc.

Aging Services: Offers three unique programs to assist our aging population.
Senior Companion
Mid Kansas Senior Outreach
Elder Abuse Prevention
Targeted Case Management

Parent Advocacy & Support Services: Assists parents who have a child/youth that has been diagnosed with a severe emotional disturbance (SED).
Parents are educated about how to:
Navigate the mental health system.
Understand a child's diagnosis.
Advocate for their child in School: IEP, 504 plan, etc.
Access community resources.
Address juvenile court proceedings.
Learn and implement alternative parenting techniques.

Community Education: The Education Department gives presentations to increase knowledge about mental illness/mental health issues to community groups, churches, colleges, senior citizens and schools. In addition, screenings for depression, anxiety disorders, alcohol and eating disorders are available and, literature about mental health/illness is available upon request.

National Institute of Mental Health Constituency Outreach Program : MHA acts as the outreach partner with NIMH in the State of Kansas. The purpose of the initiative is to deliver science based mental health information to the public and health care professionals through seminars and community education.

Compeer Mentoring / Friendships: Compeer=Friendship
Compeer is a program that matches caring, qualified and trained volunteers with adults and children in need of supportive friendships for the purpose of reducing the stigma associated with mental illness and improving the quality of life for persons served.
Choose the type of match you want.
Spend 1-2 hours a week with your Compeer friend.
Enjoy shared interests/activities.
Provides volunteer training and ongoing support.
Compeer LIFE (Living Independently through Friendship & Education) provides recreational enrichment activities to adults and youth ages 14-18.

Please visit our website or Contact us for more information:

Online Contact Form


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