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Milwaukee Managed Health Services
Managed Health Services (MHS) has been serving Wisconsin families for over 25 years. It was founded by Betty Brinn in Milwaukee in 1984. Betty’s mission was to provide excellent health care to low income women and children. Through the years, Managed Health Services has expanded on this mission and now provides managed care services for entire families through the (Medicaid) Badger Care Plus program and for people with disabilities through the Social Security Insurance (SSI) program and our Special Needs Plan through Medicare. MHS is committed to expanding the level of preventive services for the people of Wisconsin and is always interested in any outreach or educational events being held in our service areas. Managed Care Services: Badger Care Plus program (Medicaid); Standard Plan; Benchmark Plan; Core Plan; SSI program; Medicare Advantage by MHS.
Member Services: (888) 713-6180, TDD/TTY: (888) 780-7155
NurseWise: (800) 280-2348, TDD/TTY: (888) 780-7155