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Milwaukee Public Schools Special Education
Special Education services are provided to students who have been identified as having disabilities and needing special education and related services within the Milwaukee Public School district. Students identified as having special education needs are offered a variety of options for which they may be eligible to receive until service delivery graduation from high school or until the end of the year turning age 21 if appropriate. It is the goal of MPS to provide full educational opportunity to all children with disabilities in the district. MPS provides nonacademic and extracurricular services and activities that afford children with disabilities an equal opportunity for participation. Students with hearing impairments, emotional behavioral disabilities, learning disabilities, orthopedic impairments, cognitive disabilities, speech and language disabilities, traumatic brain injuries, visual impairments and other health impairments may qualify for these special services. If you suspect your child has special education needs, you should request an evaluation by contacting your child’s teacher or the principal of your child’s school. If your child does not attend a Milwaukee Public School, you can contact the principal of a nearby public school.
MPS Technology Support: 414-438-3400
MPS Child Find Office: (414) 475-8593