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Minneapolis Public Schools – Special School District No. 1
School Directories:
Homeschooling: (612) 668-0730
After School Programs: (612) 668-0730
Early Childhood Education:
2410 Girard Avenue N
Minneapolis, MN 55411
Phone: (612) 668-2140
Minneapolis Public Schools has many learning resources and opportunities for young children, their families and caregivers. These resources serve children with a range of needs and help prepare them for kindergarten and beyond. Early Childhood Community Partners include head Start, Greater Minneapolis Council of Churches, Northside Achievement Zone, University of Minnesota, Way to Grow and Resources for Child Caring.
Early Childhood Special Education:
Phone: 612.668.5100
Early Childhood Special Education (ECSE) serves students from birth to kindergarten identified as having a Developmental Delay (DD) or other disability. Screening for ECSE evaluation is available by calling 612.348.TOTS (8687). Eligibility is determined through evaluation by Minneapolis Public Schools. ECSE services are offered in the community, homes, child-care sites and schools throughout the District. Call 612.668.5100 for more information.
High Five:
High Five is a half-day* preschool program for Minneapolis children who turn four by September 1st and who will start kindergarten the following fall. Priority is given to children who qualify for free and/or reduced priced lunch.
Special Education Department:
425 5th Street NE
Minneapolis, MN 55413
Phone: (612) 668-5440
Contact: Cy Thompson,
Phone: (612) 668-5437
Minneapolis Public Schools offers a wide-range of Special Education programs and services. To receive special education services, a student must first be evaluated and meet state criteria. Once qualified, an Individual Education Plan (IEP) is developed for the student. Programs and services are provided to students and their families beginning at birth through age 21 or completion of a secondary education program. Special education is also available for students who live in Minneapolis that attend nonpublic schools. The Minneapolis Public Schools Special Education Department offers advocacy services to parents who have students with disabilities. The advocate responds to questions, concerns and complaints, and helps parents understand their rights and responsibilities in the special ed process. The advocate works directly and collaboratively with parents, school staff, district departments, and as needed with outside agencies to develop comprehensive and inclusive plans to promote school success for children with disabilities.