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Minnesota PTA – Parent Teacher Association (PTA)
The Minnesota PTA was chartered in 1922 under the laws of the state. In 1925 the Minnesota Colored Congress of Parents and Teachers merged with the Minnesota PTA. As a part of the National PTA, Minnesota PTA extends the concept of a volunteer organization engaged in educating parents and teachers on issues affecting children and youth. It supports public education and the welfare of children.
Minnesota PTA is part of the oldest and largest volunteer child advocacy organization in the nation. With a network of 5.7 million members, PTA advocates for children in classrooms, in communities, in state legislatures, and on Capitol Hill.
Throughout the year, your local, Minnesota, and National PTAs participate in and/or host a variety of events, conferences, and get-togethers. Below is a schedule of upcoming events for Minnesota and National PTAs. For more information on these or other PTA happenings, contact the Minnesota PTA office.
Minnesota Education Resources – PTA Central: