Mississippi Blind and Physically Handicapped Library Services (BPHLS)

Address: 3881 Eastwood Drive
Jackson, MS 39211-6473
Phone: (601) 432-4116 Website: http://mlc.lib.ms.us/tbs/

Mississippi Library Commission

A variety of specialized services are offered by the Commission to strengthen and enhance libraries and library services.  The Administrative Services Bureau supports public libraries and multi-type library cooperative efforts through a grants program. The Development Services Bureau provides programs and assistance that enhances delivery of quality library service, including continuing education, library advocacy, and consultation. Through MissIN, public libraries are able to offer Internet access to the general public. The Library Services Bureau provides access to specialized resources and professional support assisting libraries to provide high quality service to their communities regardless of their size or location.  

Blind and Physically Handicapped Library Services (BPHLS) specializes in assisting libraries to serve the needs of individuals with visual impairments, physical limitations and reading disabilities.  Materials in audio format and Braille are also available to libraries and institutions serving eligible individuals. Books available in special formats may be searched through the BPHLS online catalog.

General Library Information: 1-800-647-7542

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