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Mississippi Division of Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities
Department of Mental Health
The Mississippi Department of Mental Health is responsible for the development and implementation of services to meet the needs of individuals with intellectual/developmental disabilities. This public service delivery system is comprised of five state operated comprehensive regional centers, a state operated facility for youth who require specialized treatment, 15 regional community mental health/mental retardation centers and other non-profit community agencies/organizations that provide community services.
The State Plan for Services and Supports for Individuals with intellectual/ Developmental Disabilities is developed annually by the Bureau of Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities in conjunction with the BIDD State Plan Advisory Council. The plan guides the Bureau of Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities in developing, implementing, and maintaining a comprehensive system of services and supports. All services and supports certified by DMH are described in the Bureau of Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities Services Directory for 2011. Click here to link to the Bureau of Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities Services directory.
Early Intervention Services:
Early Intervention/Child Development programs for children with developmental disabilities and their families are designed to enhance the development of infants, toddlers and young children with disabilities or children who are at risk for developing disabilities. The early intervention services are intended to promote development of intellectual, physical, emotional and social growth of children as well as provide support and educational opportunities to their families. The primary agencies involved in early intervention service delivery are: the Mississippi Department of Health (First Steps Early Intervention Program), the lead agency for Early Intervention, the Mississippi Department of Mental Health, Mississippi Department of Education, and Office of the Governor, Division of Medicaid. Serving over 1000 children annually, the Mississippi Department of Mental Health is the largest service provider of early intervention services. Programs are offered through Regional Centers throughout the state including: Boswell Regional Center, Ellisville State School, Hudspeth Regional Center, North Mississippi Regional Center, South Mississippi Regional Center, Delta Community Mental Health Services and Willowood Developmental Center. DMH Early Intervention Programs offer comprehensive, multidisciplinary evaluations, and annual assessments as well as occupational therapy, physical therapy, speech/language therapy, developmental therapy, psychological services, family education and support, socialization, assistive technology and transition services. Regional community mental health/mental retardation centers operate under the supervision of regional commissions appointed by county boards of supervisors comprising their respective service areas. The 15 regional centers make available a range of community-based mental health services, as well as substance abuse and intellectual/developmental disabilities services to all 82 counties in Mississippi. These regional community mental health centers are the primary service providers with whom the Department of Mental Health contracts to provide community-based services.
Community Centers: