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Mississippi Office of Special Disability Programs (OSDP):
"The Office of Special Disability Programs (OSDP) provides services to individuals with the most severe disabilities who do not necessarily demonstrate immediate potential for competitive employment. OSDP utilizes a variety of limited grants and funding sources as stated below.
For more information on the Office of Special Disability Programs, you can consult our OSDP Contact List.
Federal Independent Living Grant
MDRS receives a federal grant from the Rehabilitation Services Administration to assist individuals with the most severe disabilities to become more independent in their home or communities. This program provides necessary services such as home modifications, vehicle modification, and durable medical equipment. To qualify for services through this grant, an individual must have a severe physical or mental impairment which substantially limits his/her ability to obtain, maintain, or advance in employment and for whom the delivery of Independent Living services will improve the ability to function, continue functioning, or move towards functioning independently in the home or community or to continue employment. Although there are no age restrictions for this program, services provided must not duplicate services allowable under any other federal mandate, i.e., IDEA.
State Attendant Care Program:
Created by the Mississippi Legislature in 1985, this program provides personal care services for people who are severely disabled. By receiving these services, an individual is able to live at home instead of being institutionalized.
Spinal Cord and Head Injury Trust Fund Program:
Established by the 1996 Mississippi Legislature, this program targets help to individuals who are severely disabled by a traumatic spinal cord injury or a traumatic brain injury. Individualized services provided to medically stable individuals may include transitional attendant care services, home modifications, vehicle modifications or durable medical equipment. The Trust Fund also awards sub-grants to organizations throughout the state that provide new and innovative programs of education, prevention or transitional living.
Home and Community Based Waiver Programs:
The Independent Living Waiver provides Attendant Care services to individuals with severe orthopedic and/or neurological impairments who are at risk of nursing home placement. Additionally, individuals must be medically stable and able to communicate effectively with those involved in their care. The Traumatic Brain Injury and Spinal Cord Injury Waiver provides attendant care, equipment modifications, and home modifications. The minimum income level allowed for each waiver is 300% of SSI."
Mailing Address: PO Box 1698, Jackson, MS 39215