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Mississippi Office on Deaf and Hard of Hearing
The Office on Deaf and Hard of Hearing grew out of a desire to have an agency that would focus on the needs of the deaf and hard of hearing community. The mission of The Office on Deaf and Hard of Hearing shall function as an agency of the state to advocate public policies, regulations, and programs to improve the quality and coordination of existing services for individuals with hearing loss, and to promote new services whenever necessary. To these ends, the Office on Deaf and Hard of Hearing will work with individuals, service providers, organizations, and state agencies as an active force, to better the lives and opportunities of all Mississippians with hearing loss. Their objective is to encourage, participate in, and conduct studies and research on issues related to the deaf and hard of hearing.
Admin. Asst.: (601) 898-7057
Director: (601) 898-7056
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