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Mississippi State Department of Health (MSDH)
Your County Health Department Provides: Immunizations, Family Planning, Women, Infants and Children Programs, Social Services and Applications and Permits
Children's Medical Program:,0,163.html
If your child was born with a disabling condition, or developed a disability or chronic illness, we may be able to help. The Children's Medical Program provides medical and surgical care to children with chronic or disabling conditions. The service is available to state residents up to 20 years of age. The Children's Medical program can organize care for your child's condition, provide equipment and drugs, and arrange for physical, occupational and other therapies. If your child has a special health care need, contact us for information or referral sources. The Children's Medical Program provides medical and surgical care to children with chronic or disabling conditions. The service is available to state residents up to 20 years of age. Mississippi residents from birth to age 20 are eligible. You must qualify, based on family income, family size and estimated cost of treatment. We cover the following conditions and more: Spina bifida, Cerebral Palsy, Cleft Palate, Seizure disorders, Cystic fibrosis, sickle cell anemia and hemophilia. Hydrocephalus, Orthopedic programs (other than from accidents), Congenital heart problems requiring surgery, and intestinal or urinary defects requiring surgery. Services provided include: Pediatric specialty care (outpatient and inpatient), Braces and other durable medical equipment, some drugs, such as seizure medications, dental corrections and speech therapy for some conditions, Genetic screen referral and follow-up, Pediatric social workers for evaluation and referral and Nutrition (WIC) services.
WIC Nutritional Program:,0,128.html
Women and Children Programs:
WIC Brochures and Fact Sheets:,0,128,92.html