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Missouri Department of Transportation – Transit
"About MoDOT provides basic information on the Missouri Department of Transportation and its leaders, direction, history and funding. MoDOT works with the public, transportation partners, state and federal legislators, and other state and local agencies to provide a safe and efficient transportation system to the people of Missouri. The Missouri Department of Transportation’s Transit Section in the Multimodal Operations Division provides financial and technical assistance to public transit and specialized mobility providers across the state. This function is carried out through the administration of state and federal programs related to general public transportation as well as specific transit programs for agencies serving senior citizens and/or persons with disabilities.
The Federal Transit Administration (FTA) provides grants to states on a formula basis for nonurban transit in the Section 5311 program. Rural transit providers and intercity bus carriers apply to MoDOT’s Transit Section for these Section 5311 grants to carry out rural public transit related service, planning and capital projects.
The Transit Section also administers the rural transportation assistance program (RTAP) by providing training and technical assistance functions funded by FTA. Free on-site training courses offered to rural transit agencies include defensive driving, CPR, first aid, passenger assistance techniques, and emergency procedures.
State funded transit operating assistance is provided to both rural and urban public transit agencies. This general revenue fund and/or state transportation fund program helps to defray a portion of the costs those agencies incur in providing mobility services in their communities. The Missouri Elderly and Handicapped Transportation Assistance Program (MEHTAP) is a state funded program that helps defray a portion of the transportation costs incurred by agencies providing mobility services to senior citizens and persons with disabilities. Half of the annual general revenue funding in this program is allocated to the 10 Area Agency on Aging districts statewide."