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Missouri Division of Vocational Rehabilitation
Department of Elementary and Secondary Education
Jeanne Loyd, Assistant Commissioner
"If you want to work but have a disability that keeps you from finding or keeping a job, Vocational Rehabilitation (VR) may be able to help you. VR specializes in employment and training services that can assist you in becoming employed. A VR counselor will determine your eligibility for services. To be eligible, you need to have a physical or mental impairment that causes problems with working and need VR services to be successfully employed. Once eligible, you will work with a counselor who will help you develop a plan for your rehabilitation. We will give you vocational information and guidance allowing you to make informed choices about your vocational plan.
VR offers a wide range of services that are individualized for your needs. You and your counselor decide which services will help you become employed. Some of the services that may be available are:
Guidance and Counseling
Job-Seeking Skills and Job Placement
Vocational Training
VR also provides assistance with Transition Services, Supported Employment Services, Assistive Technology Services, and the Ticket to Work Program. Putting people first means ensuring that Missouri Vocational Rehabilitation provides the highest quality of employment oriented services to Missourians with disabilities. All of our policies, procedures and practices will reflect our commitment to providing consumers with the highest quality of services available. This commitment will always reflect and support Missouri Vocational Rehabilitation's mission."
TDD: 573-751-0881