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Missouri Division of Youth Services
Missouri Department of Social Services
Tim Decker, Director
" The Division of Youth Services (DYS) is the state agency charged with the care and treatment of delinquent youth committed to its custody by one of the 45 Missouri juvenile courts. DYS programs are established to provide the mandated services enumerated in Chapter 219.016 in the Revised Statutes of the state of Missouri. These services include assessment, care and treatment, and education of all youth committed to its care. Toward this end, DYS operates treatment programs ranging from non-residential day treatment centers through secure residential institutions. Additionally, DYS administers the Interstate Compact on Juveniles, operates an accredited school program, and maintains a statewide statistical database of juvenile court referrals. DYS is administratively organized into one central office and five regional offices. The mission of the Division of Youth Services is to enable youth to fulfill their needs in a responsible manner within the context of and with respect for the needs of the family and the community.
Regional Offices:
Northeast Regional Office
1240 E. Brown School Road
Columbia, MO 65202
Phone: 573-449-2939
Fax: 573-449-8766
Larry Strecker, Regional Administrator
Northwest Regional Office
1410 Gennessee St.
Kansas City, MO 64105
Phone: 816-889-2428
Fax: 816-889-3850
Julie Breaux, Regional Administrator
Southwest Regional Office
1735 W. Catalpa, Suite B
Springfield, MO 65807
Phone: 417-895-6485
Fax: 417-895-6633
John Creson, Regional Administrator
Southeast Regional Office
1903 Northwood Drive
Poplar Bluff, MO 63901
Phone: 573-840-9540
Fax: 573-686-9461
Paula Shaw, Regional Administrator
St. Louis Regional Office
Room 331, Wainwright Building
111 North Seventh Street
St. Louis, MO 63101
Phone: 314-340-6904
Fax: 314-340-7721
Don Pokorny, Regional Administrator"