Missouri Family-to-Family Resource Center at UMKC-IHD

Address: 215 W Pershing
Kansas City, MO 64108
Phone: (816) 235-1763 Fax: (888) 5033107 Email: myfamilytofamily@gmail.com Website: http://www.mofamilytofamily.org/

Missouri Developmental Disability Resource Center

Institute for Human Development, UCE


"The Missouri Family to Family Resource Center is a program of the University of Missouri, Kansas City's Institute for Human Development, UCEDD.  MOF2f is a partnership between the UMKC-Institute for Human Development, UCEDD; the Missouri Planning Council for Developmental Disabilities; and the Missouri Department of Mental Health, Division of Developmental Disabilities.
MODDRC offers a network of support options so that individuals and families are well informed, hopeful, connected within their communities and know they are not alone in their experience with disability. The Instititute for Human Development (IHD) houses one of the 60 University Centers for Excellence in Developmental Disabilities (UCEDD) across the country which supports people with developmental disabilities by building programs and activities designed to promote self-determination and independence, productivity and employment, and integration in all facets of community life. "

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