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Monadnock Developmental Services, Inc.
Monadnock Developmental Services is a 501(c)(3) non-profit agency in Keene, NH, the Region V Area Agency designated by the State of New Hampshire to assist individuals with disabilities to live in their communities.
MDS services and supports are provided by:
Children’s Service Coordination (CSC) – works with families to determine the best combination of supports for children up to age 21. Includes Early Supports and Services (ESS), Partners in Health, In-Home Supports, and information and referral.
Adult Service Coordination (ASC) – works with individuals over age 21 to identify and develop the support they need to live in their community.
Specialty Services – provides Intake, Respite, Transportation, Nursing, and the Personal Care Services Program.
MDS Individual Services Option (ISO) – provides direct support to people so they can live in their home, go to work, and participate as valued community members.
LifeArt – a community resource center in downtown Keene for meetings and activities open to people of all abilities.
Monadnock Center for Successful Transitions (MCST) – offers transition resources to students and adults with a wide variety of disabilities.
Provider Agencies – work directly with individuals served by MDS to provide residential, employment and other supports.