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MONTANA Assistive Technology Programs and Resources
MonTECH is a program of the University of Montana Rural Institute: Center for Excellence in Disability Education, Research, and Service. We specialize in Assistive Technology (AT) and oversee a variety of AT related grants and contracts. Our overall goal is to develop a comprehensive, statewide system of assistive technology related assistance. We strive to ensure that all people in Montana with disabilities have equitable access to assistive technology devices and services in order to enhance their independence, productivity, and quality of life. In pursuit of this goal, program staff work with consumers, service providers, educators, therapists, state agencies, private industry, researchers, legislators, and other interested individuals.Montana’s comprehensive resource center for Assistive Technology (AT) devices, information, training, evaluations, and other AT related supports. Explore their site to learn more about their programs.
Programs and Services Include:
Montana Assistive Technology Program (MATP) is a federally funded program authorized by the Assistive Technology Act of 1998 as amended. The main purpose of this legislation is to increase access to and acquisition of AT devices and services through a variety of state level activities.
Montana Adaptive Equipment Program (MAEP) offers adaptive equipment services to Montanans with developmental disabilities. These services include an equipment recycle program, equipment loan, purchase of new equipment, and clinical evaluations for determination of appropriate adaptive equipment.
MonTECH Microsoft Accessibility Resource Center provides demonstration and training on accessibility features in Windows, Office and Internet Explorer in order to provide solutions for those who experience functional difficulties using a computer.
MonTECH Financial Loan Program assists Montanans with disabilities in obtaining AT devices and services through low interest financial loans.