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Montana Association for the Blind (MAB)
Vocational Rehabilitation Program, Department of Public Health and Human Services
The Montana Association for the Blind (MAB), Inc. is a statewide, nonprofit, self-help consumer organization, founded by visually impaired persons and their friends in 1946. The purpose of the association is to work for the social and economic improvement of every blind person in the state. The MAB provides a broad program of services including: The annual Summer Orientation Program for the Blind and Partially Sighted; The Emil A. Honka Scholarship Fund to help visually handicapped students to further their educational goals; Maintenance of a Memorial Fund from which interest free loans are made to legally blind members for any worthwhile purpose; The MAB published a newsletter "The Observer" available in regular print, Braille, or on cassette; The MAB is active in the field of legislation on both the state and national levels; Sponsor displays, seminars and workshops throughout the state in an effort to educate the public about blindness.