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Montana Blind and Low Vision Services
Vocational Rehabilitation Programs
Our mission is to promote work and independence for Montanans with disabilities. Blind and Low Vision Services Program provides a broad range of services through three programs to assist eligible individuals with visual disabilities in finding or maintaining employment and increasing independence. These programs are (1)Vocational Rehabilitation, (2)Visual Medical, and (3)Older Blind. Services vary for each of the three programs. Blind and Low Vision Vocational Rehabilitation Program – Vocational Rehabilitation provides a broad range of services to assist eligible individuals with visual disabilities find or maintain employment. BLVS Visual Medical Program – These medical services are available to people who need eye treatment to prevent blindness, restore sight, or provide other appropriate eye treatment where loss of vision cannot be prevented or sight restored. Older Blind Program – These services are provided to older visually impaired or blind individuals so they can live more independently in their homes and communities.