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Montana Chapter of the Academy of Pediatrics (MTAAP)
Montana pediatricians began formal meetings in 1949 with seven physicians in attendance. Dr. D.L. Gillespie, from Butte, MT was the first President. Montana chapter, American Academy of Pediatrics incorporated in 1986. From the beginning the purpose was to provide a forum to promote the health and well-being of Montana children and families and to enhance the professional and personal growth of its members. We currently have over 100 members, from all over Montana. Although we are considered a "small" chapter, we think we have a BIG voice! The professional association for Montana Pediatricians and the state chapter for the national American Academy of Pediatrics The Montana AAP believes in the inherent worth of all children, advocates for activities, programs and policies that will promote their optimal health and well-being, works to enhance the professional and personal growth of our members.