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Montana Children’s Mental Health Bureau
Developmental Services Division, Department of Public Health & Human Services
Bonnie Adee – Bureau Chief
The Children’s Mental Health Bureau provides collaborative leadership in an integrated system of care for Montana families, youth and children, and manages effective Medicaid funded mental health services. Activities: Strengthen collaborations with Developmental Disabilities system, Child and Family Services system, Juvenile Justice system, public schools and the Office of Public Instruction, adult mental health system, tribal communities, early childhood system, chemical dependency system; Increase the strategies of the transition committee to improve outcomes for transition youth; Increase support of early intervention and prevention activities in early childhood system; Increase the capacity for wraparound facilitation statewide, in other child serving systems, and in tribal communities by offering training and providing coaching; Offer training to agencies and providers about serving DD/SED youth and administrative rules, policies, billing, etc.; Offer wraparound training for Montana PRTFs; Develop a mechanism for informing out of state PRTF's about the principles of wraparound in order to promote more effective discharges; Involve providers and custodial agencies agencies consistently in the administrative review process; Continue involving providers and partner agencies in the development of administrative rules and policies; Increase family and youth involvement in decisions. Our objective is to integrate families in all levels of planning, development and assessment of services. State funded mental health services for children under age 18 are administered through the Children's Mental Health Bureau of the Health Resources Division of the Montana Department of Public Health and Human Services.