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Montana Council on Developmental Disabilities
Deborah Swingley, Executive Director
The Montana Council on Developmental Disabilities is a citizen-based advocacy group. It's members, appointed by the Governor, work to provide increased independence, integration and productivity for persons with developmental disabilities. The Montana Council on Developmental Disabilities is committed to a consumer-driven service delivery system that improves independence, productivity and integration of people with developmental disabilities in all aspects of life and community. The Governor appoints the Council membership not to exceed 29 members. The majority of members are people with developmental disabilities and family members. Others represent state agencies, state legislators and groups that work on behalf of people with disabilities. The Council is made up of Montanans both with and without developmental disabilities, who believe in improving the lives of Montana’s citizens who have a disability. We concentrate on issues related to self-determination, education, employment, transportation, housing, recreation, health care, community inclusion and the overall quality of life of people with developmental disabilities. As a Council we are committed to both question, and action as we work to discover and promote creative ways that families, service agencies and federal, state, local and tribal governments can help people with disabilities to live more independent, fulfilling lives.
Executive Director: 406-443-4371