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Montana School for the Deaf and the Blind
The Montana School for the Deaf & Blind provides comprehensive educational opportunities for Montana’s deaf, hard of hearing, blind, and visually impaired children, giving them their best chance for independence and success. Children and youth from preschool through high school can attend MSDB as residential or day students on the Great Falls campus, where specialized instruction is combined with opportunities to attend classes in the public schools. Learn about MSDB's campus-based services here. MSDB also serves as a statewide resource center for parents of deaf and blind children and for school districts and professionals serving students with vision or hearing loss. Our team of outreach consultants serves hundreds of students and families in communities across Montana, and MSDB offers additional outreach programs on campus. Learn about our statewide outreach services here. Over the years, the School has developed two different ways to meet the educational needs of Montana’s deaf and blind children of all ages. On the Great Falls campus, MSDB provides specialized instruction and an education for deaf and blind students that is equivalent to that of their hearing and sighted peers. The goal is to prepare students for independent, successful lives.
TDD: 406-771-6063/6122