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Montana Talking Book Library
Eligible Montana residents who are unable to use standard print materials due to visual, physical and/or reading disabilities can apply to the Montana Talking Book Library to receive free loaned digital library audio books and magazines delivered two ways: 1) free mail loan of recorded books and playback equipment and/or 2) Downloadable books and magazines for patrons who have high speed internet. Eligibility is determined based on National Library Service Standards. We serve over 3,900 Montanans with free book and magazine services. The Montana Talking Book Library employs six staff and receives support from nearly 100 volunteers. Three Readers’ Advisors advise and assist library patrons through researching desired audio books and magazines. Staff also offer one-on-one support to patrons who download from our online BARD library service. We offer Inter-library loan services between participating talking book libraries. Schools, public libraries, nursing homes and other institutions (independent/assisted living facilities) can participate in talking book and magazines services as a direct link to eligible individuals they serve. Over 1,040 locally produced Montana cassette books are recorded in our local recording studio. Beginning In 2012, we will start converting the Montana masters to digital format for our patrons. Braille embossed books are available free to active patrons of the Montana Talking Book Library through our contract with the Utah State Library for the Blind and Physically Handicapped.
TTY/TDD: 406-444-4799