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The University of Montana, Rural Institute
"MonTECH is Montana’s comprehensive resource center for Assistive Technology (AT) devices, information, training, evaluations, and other AT related supports. MonTECH oversees various assistive technology (AT) programs and is continually seeking to expand the AT services and supports available to Montanans. A brief explanation of each current program is provided below. To learn more about a particular program simply click on the link provided.
Montana Assistive Technology Program (MATP) is a federally funded program authorized by the Assistive Technology Act of 1998 as amended. The main purpose of this legislation is to increase access to and acquisition of AT devices and services through a variety of state level activities.
Montana Adaptive Equipment Program (MAEP) offers adaptive equipment services to Montanans with developmental disabilities. These services include an equipment recycle program, equipment loan, purchase of new equipment, and clinical evaluations for determination of appropriate adaptive equipment.
MonTECH Microsoft Accessibility Resource Center provides demonstration and training on accessibility features in Windows, Office and Internet Explorer in order to provide solutions for those who experience functional difficulties using a computer.
MonTECH Financial Loan Program assists Montanans with disabilities in obtaining AT devices and services through low interest financial loans.
Recreation: MonTECH now offers two programs to enhance recreational opportunities for individuals with disabilities and those who are aging:
Montana Accessible Recreation Opportunities (MARO) website is a resource to provide accessibility-related information about public outdoor recreational sites. Visit this website to search by feature or site name to find an accessible place to recreate. Montana Access To Outdoor Recreation (MATOR) provides awareness, recreational equipment loans, training, demonstrations, and mentorship to help individuals with disabilities participate in wildlife-associated recreational activities. See our calendar or contact us to learn about upcoming activites."