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Our school system
156,447 students
Largest school system in Maryland
15th largest school system in the United States
2010 Malcolm Baldrige National Quality Award recipient
Students from 157 countries speaking 138 languages
204 schools
▪ 133 elementary schools
▪ 39 middle schools
▪ 25 high schools
▪ 1 career and technology center
▪ 5 special schools
▪ 1 alternative education program
DSES ensures a free appropriate public education (FAPE) to all students with disabilities in need of special education and related services. Services are provided in the least restrictive environment (LRE), in the home school to the maximum extent possible. DSES is responsible for the Division of Prekindergarten, Special Programs, and Related Services and provides oversight of all school-based special education services for students in prekindergarten through Grade 12. Services are implemented in a continuum of settings ranging from the general education environment, special class placements, public and private day schools, and residential day settings. DSES staff members share the goal of preparing students for employment and postsecondary education.