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Mountain Mobility, (NC)
Mountain Mobility serves over 30 human service agencies and organizations including the Buncombe County Departments of Aging Services, Child Care Services, and Social Services; Asheville Transit Services (ADA Comparable Paratransit Program); Asheville-Buncombe Technical Community College; CarePartners Adult Day Center; Council on Aging; N.C. Division of Services for the Blind; and N.C. Division of Vocational Rehabilitation; as well as other organizations including several nursing homes and adult care facilities.
Modes of Service: (please visit our website for details) Transportation modes include demand-response service, subscription service, and deviated fixed-route service. Demand response and subscription services are shared rides, so a passenger may travel with other passengers and may not go directly from their home to their destination. Coordinating trips together allows the system to operate more efficiently and provide more transportation service at a lower cost. Demand response service – describes trips that are provided from a passenger's home to specific destinations on an as-needed basis, such as medical appointments, etc. Reservations must be made by 3 p.m. the day before service is needed, but are accepted up to 30 days in advance of a trip. Mountain Mobility does not provide emergency transportation services. Subscription service – describes trips that are scheduled from a passenger's home to the same destination two or more times within the same week and are needed on a continuing basis. Advance reservations are required for subscription services also. Passengers requesting subscription service may be placed on a waiting list if an existing route is not available in the area and/or at the times service is requested. Community Transportation Services – Public transportation services are provided by demand response and subscription modes to residents outside the City of Asheville. Mountain Mobility also offers "Trailblazer" bus routes in several areas of the County. Trailblazer routes also offer connections to public transportation bus services provided by Asheville Transit Services. |
Information/Eligibility- Optiion 5 |
Reservations- Option 4 |