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National Association of Early Childhood Specialists (NAECS-SDE)
What is NAECS-SDE?
NAECS-SDE (National Association of Early Childhood Specialists in State Departments of Education) is a national organization for state education agency staff members with major responsibilities in the field of early childhood education.
The Association promotes high-quality services to young children and their families through improvement of instruction, curriculum, and administration of programs. Members of the Association have an opportunity to share ideas and to work together toward the solution of common problems.
State Early Childhood Specialists
What do State Early Childhood Specialists do?
NAECS-SDE members hold a wide variety of positions within their respective state education agencies. These positions typically include fiscal responsibility, programmatic decision making, and assuring program compliance with state policy. Among these responsibilities are many programs with federal ties: Title I, Even Start, Head Start Collaboration, Federal Class Size, Special Education, Homeless, and Schools of the 21st Century. Additional responsibilities often include state-funded preschool programs; at-risk programming; school-age child care; school administration and improvement; curriculum and assessment in the early grades; and data collection about the health, education, and well-being of the young children in the state. Members of the organization have a wide range of responsibilities, but their common bond is a commitment to the development and education of young children.