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National Dissemination Center for Children with Disabilities NICHCY
National Dissemination Center for Children with Disabilities NICHCY provides information about disability organizations around the country, parent groups, state agencies, and others who can offer you yet more assistance and information. NICHCY provides information on organizations addressing your areas of interest and a data base to help find resources in your state, identify available materials, and much, much more. To start, we recommend that you take a look at the State Resource Sheet for your state and use the SEARCH box at the top of every page.
Check out our publications right here online. You can download them, or ask for them in print. We offer fact sheets on specific disabilities, state resource sheets, parents guides, resource lists, and much more. All of our publications here on our website are free! If you’d like a copy in print, or you need one in an alternate format, give us a call or email us. For print copies of some publications, we charge a small cost-recovery fee, but we are pleased to provide most of our publications free of charge.