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National Family Caregivers Association
"About NFCA
The National Family Caregivers Association educates, supports, empowers and speaks up for the more than 65 million Americans who care for loved ones with a chronic illness or disability or the frailties of old age. NFCA reaches across the boundaries of diagnoses, relationships and life stages to help transform family caregivers' lives by removing barriers to health and well being.
NFCA Philosophy
What does it mean to be a happy person when you are a family caregiver?
How can you gain a feeling of confidence in your abilities and have a sense of pride in your achievements?
How do you stand up for yourself, take care of yourself and find a balance between your own needs and those of your loved ones?
These are heady questions, and ones that have been discussed often at the National Family Caregivers Association. We have looked for answers in our own experiences, in books, from professionals, and from other family caregivers. We've thought long and hard about these issues because they are at the core of our search for meaning and our need to have principles to live by as family caregivers.
We call our approach to caregiving, Four Messages to Live By.
NFCA's core Caring Every Day messages are:
Believe in Yourself.
Protect Your Health.
Reach Out for Help.
Speak Up for Your Rights.
NFCA envisions an America in which family caregivers lead full and productive lives, free from depression, pain, isolation, and financial distress.
The NFCA mission is to empower family caregivers to act on behalf of themselves and their loved ones, and to remove barriers to health and well being."