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National Federation of the Blind of Rhode Island
The National Federation of the Blind of Rhode Island is this state's affiliate of the National Federation of the Blind. Our parent organization was formed in 1940 to try to improve the standard of living for the blind of this country. In 1970, this affiliate came into existence and began its work in bettering the lives for blind Rhode Islanders. As we know, it is guaranteed in the United States Constitution that all people are created equal, however, like many minorities the blind have had to fight to achieve their civil rights. This is the reason why we have the motto Equality, Security, and Opportunity. Blind people should be equal, secure in the knowledge of their equality, and have the opportunity to do anything they wish like their sighted counterparts. Thus far in our history, we have had to handle four discrimination suits. One involving a woman and the vending stand program, another involved a woman who wanted to take a cruise, another woman who was unjustly discharged from her job, and a man who was discriminated against when trying to rent an apartment because he used a guide dog. Three of the four cases were won with the aid of our national office. We do work in employment for the blind. Our national organization has a job service, which provides blind people information on specific jobs that are available or job training, and resume writing.