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National Speech / Language Therapy Center
National Speech is a family oriented practice specializing in the evaluation and treatment of pediatric speech and language disorders, learning differences and behavioral challenges. National Speech/Language Therapy Center treats children with a variety of speech, language and cognitive disorders and difficulties. Our assortment of services allows us to customize a program that will provide a personal and unique program for your child.
Click here for: Areas of Services and Specialty
Apraxia and Motor Planning difficulties
Articulation difficulties
Auditory Processing disorders
Autism Spectrum disorders
Cognitive challenges
Executive Function weaknesses
Hearing Impairments
Language delays and disorders
Neurological disorders
Reading and Writing weaknesses
Tongue Thrust
Early Detection Program – The Early Detection Program is a community outreach program designed to help with early identification of children who may be at risk for language or learning struggles. To assist in early identification, National Speech/Language Therapy Center offers FREE speech, language, learning and reading screenings for parents who are concerned about any aspect of their child's speech and language development,