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NC Division of Medical Assistance (NC DMA)
The mission of the Division of Medical Assistance (DMA) is to provide access to high quality, medically necessary health care for eligible North Carolina residents through cost-effective purchasing of health care services and products. The North Carolina Division of Medical Assistance (DMA) manages the Medicaid and Health Choice programs.
Services: (please see our ""Services"" page for details)
Medicaid – is a health insurance program for low-income individuals and families who cannot afford health care costs. Medicaid serves low-income parents, children, seniors, and people with disabilities.
Health Choice for Children – Health Choice is a free or reduced price comprehensive health care program for children. If your family makes too much money to qualify for Medicaid but too little to afford rising health insurance premiums, your child(ren) may qualify for Health Choice.
Health Choice Emergency Respite Care- during emergency respite care, a respite care provider will temporarily take over your responsibilities as caregiver. The person usually responsible for caring for the child with special needs is free for a short period of time. Emergency respite care can be provided in one of three ways.
A provider you have selected may come into your home, or
Your child may go to the home of a respite care provider, or
Your child may go to center-based emergency respite care.
Under NC Health Choice, emergency respite care may be provided for unplanned situations in which family members temporarily do not have the capacity to safely care for their child or when changes in their child's health, behavior, or development require in-home or out-of home temporary support. Circumstances that would be considered emergency include, but are not limited to the following:
An unplanned situation in which the child temporarily lacks supervision or shelter (such as homelessness),
A medical emergency in the family, and
A death in the family.
This means that emergency respite care cannot be used for planned vacations, or to run errands. It must only be used during emergency situations."