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Nebraska Commission for the Blind and Visually Impaired
"""Welcome to the Nebraska Commission for the Blind and Visually Impaired (NCBVI), the state vocational rehabilitation agency for the blind. We work to help blind and visually impaired Nebraskans achieve full and rewarding lives through independent living skills and assisting with finding employment in Nebraska and across the country.
NCBVI provides the training, counseling, and resources needed for a positive understanding of blindness and visual impairment. Our high expectations include employment and fulfillment in all aspects of life. Our website provides information about the Commission and also about blindness in general: for blind and visually impaired individuals, their families, businesses seeking job candidates to fulfill Nebraska employment needs.
Our Mission is to: empower Blind Individuals, Promote Opportunities, and Build Belief in the Blind.
We, blind consumers, worked to establish a separate agency for the blind in Nebraska; and only we can assure that it continues. It is, therefore, crucial that consumers participate in Board meetings and give both Commissioners and the Executive Director ideas and feedback. Interested people being involved will keep Nebraska's service system vibrant.Offices also located in Omaha, Norfolk, Kearney, North Platte, and Scottsbluff. The services provided by NCBVI include, but are not limited to, the following:
Training in non-visual (or ""low vision"") skills that allow full participation in life
Assistance in securing or maintaining employment
Fulfill employment needs in Nebraska
Career counseling and guidance resulting in employment
Job-related equipment, tools, and supplies
Educational assistance such as tuition, books, equipment and readers
Peer support and counseling
Consultation services for agencies and community organizations which come into contact with blind persons
Individuals are eligible to receive services if they have a visual condition which may lead to blindness, or if their sight is ""so defective as to seriously limit their ability to engage in the ordinary vocations and activities of life."" This typically means persons who experience difficulties in visually pursuing day-to-day activities and obtaining or maintaining employment."