Nebraska Division of Behavioral Health

Address: 301 Centennial Mall South, PO Box 95026
Lincoln, NE 68509-8925
Phone: (402) 471-8553 Website:

Nebraska Department of Health and Human Services

Scott Adams – Division Director


"The Division of Behavioral Health includes a central office in Lincoln and the three Regional Centers in Lincoln, Norfolk and Hastings, and has approximately 993 employees.
The division provides funding, oversight and technical assistance to the six local Behavioral Health Regions. The Regions contract with local programs to provide public inpatient, outpatient, and emergency services and community mental health, substance abuse and gambling services.
There is an increased focus on behavioral health consumer involvement in planning, service development and delivery. The division’s Office of Consumer Affairs facilitated creation of a Consumer Specialist position in each Region to provide peer support to other consumers.
The Regional Centers care for persons committed by mental health boards or the courts. Lincoln Regional Center provides general psychiatric services, intensive residential treatment, a sex offender community residential program, and secure intermediate and transitional residential services. Norfolk Regional Center provides inpatient mental health and sex offender services. Hastings Regional Center provides residential substance abuse treatment for young men paroled from the Youth Rehabilitation and TreatmentCenter in Kearney, Nebraska."

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