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Nebraska Office of Special Education – Transition Services
The Office for Civil Rights (OCR) in the U.S. Department of Education provides a pamphlet to explain the rights and responsibilities of students with disabilities who are preparing to attend postsecondary schools. This pamphlet also explains the obligations of a postsecondary school to provide academic adjustments, including auxiliary aids and services, to ensure that the school does not discriminate on the basis of disability. Ready, Set, Go!: Ready, Set Go! is a web-based series of materials and resources intended to assist in making decisions about supports for young adults with intellectual or developmental disabilities as they move from high school to adult life. For more information, visit Self Advocacy: Self-advocacy refers to the ability of a person to understand and explain his or her disability, strengths, and challenges. It is the ability to ask for help when it is needed. The self-advocacy movement was started by and for people with disabilities because they wanted to speak for themselves rather than having others speak for them. Strong self-advocacy skills are important for all, and particularly for those individuals with disabilities, in order to be successful in school and in the adult world.
The Self-Advocacy Committee, a sub-group of the Nebraska Transition Practitioners Committee, was formed to identify ways to assist teachers as they work with transition-age students in acquiring self-advocacy skills. The teaching of self-advocacy skills is not intended to be a separate class or curriculum, but rather is most effective when incorporated into everyday activities and practices. The Self-Advocacy Folder (link below) highlights information identified by the Self-Advocacy Committee as helpful for teachers on this important topic. Southeast Nebraska Transition Task Force: The Southeast Nebraska Transition Task Force is a new, innovative concept for Southeast Nebraska area schools to collectively represent stakeholders who play a critical role in making successful transitions for students with disabilities and identify the best practices for all sizes of school districts. This Task Force will share information, activities, and provide resources pertinent to students and families beginning transition and continuing through post-high school. A goal of the Southeast Nebraska Transition Task Force is to increase knowledge of materials, resources and services currently available to students, parents, and community members/agencies. A website will be designed for easy access to information that could be shared across the state.