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Nebraska Vocational Rehabilitation
"State Level: Vocational Rehabilitation in Nebraska operates within the Nebraska Department of Education under the direction of the Assistant Commissioner of Education, who reports to the Commissioner of Education. The Commissioner provides leadership for the Department at the pleasure of the Nebraska State Board of Education, an elected Body.
The Nebraska Assistive Technology Program and the Disability Determinations Section (DDS) are located within Vocational Rehabilitation. DDS is 100% funded by the Social Security Administration (SSA). The SSA approves the DDS budget, regulates and monitors the program under strict national standards.
Local Level: Nebraska Voc Rehab serves all disability groups with the exception of consumers who are blind or visually impaired. These individuals are served by the Commission for the Blind and Visually Impaired.
Voc Rehab services are delivered at the local level through the supervision of local office directors in multiple offices throughout the state. Additionally, staff travels to schools, one-stop centers, mental health centers, and other community programs to provide services locally to eligible Nebraskans. VR's Employment Partnerships & Special Projects
Abilities Fund
Assistive Technology Partnership
Easter Seals-Benefits Analysis
Juvenile Justice System
Mental Health Partnerships
Public Schools Partnerships
Traumatic Brain Injury Projects
Workforce Development
TDD: 402-471-3382
US 30 Center Mall
3100 23rd St, Ste 5
Columbus, NE 68601
(402) 562-8065
(877) 505-0866 Toll Free
Grand Island
203 E Stolley Park Rd, Ste B
Grand Island, NE 68801
(308) 385-6200 V/TT
(800) 862-3382 Toll Free V/TT
2951 N Clarkson Street
Fremont, NE 68025
(402) 727-2900 V/TT
(888) 585-5439 Toll Free V/TT
315 W 60th St. Ste. 400
Kearney, NE 68845-1504
(308) 865-5343 V/TT
(800) 262-3382 Toll Free V/TT
3901 N 27th St, Ste 6
Lincoln, NE 68521
(402) 471-3231
(402) 471-6329 TDD
(800) 472-3382 Toll Free
1212 Benjamin Ave
Norfolk, NE 68701
(402) 370-3200 V/TT
(800) 442-3382 Toll Free V/TT
North Platte
200 S Silber, Bldg 2
North Platte, NE 69101-4298
(308) 535-8100 V/TT
(800) 272-3382 Toll Free V/TT
1313 Farnam on the Mall
Omaha, NE 68102
(402) 595-2100
(402) 595-2107 TDD
(800) 554-3382 Toll Free
12011 Q Street
Omaha, NE 68137-3542
(402) 595-1212
(402) 595-2107 TDD
(877) 240-4445 Toll Free
1517 Broadway, Ste 131
Scottsbluff, NE 69361-4939
(308) 632-1321
(800) 292-3382 Toll Free
South Sioux City
901 West 21st Street Ste 1
South Sioux City, NE 68776
(402) 494-2265
(877) 659-7899 Toll Free