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New Hampshire CHALLENGE
The New Hampshire Challenge, Inc. is a federally recognized 501(c)(3) organization serving the state of New Hampshire. Our mission is to “provide information to and advocate for families with persons who have disabilities.” The goal of the organization is to “create a vision for change so families will see themselves as integral parts of the community at large.”
The Challenge, as an independent publication, is the only newspaper of its kind in New Hampshire. Created in 1988, it started out as a publication of Special Families United with a mailing list of 250. The Challenge self-incorporated in 1990 and now reaches nearly 5,000 families, most of whom are in New Hampshire, with the second largest group in New England. In addition, The Challenge has a few subscribers in nearly every state and in three countries.
The Challenge focuses on New Hampshire in its reporting, but the issues it addresses are universal to the disability experience. It is considered a force in the state and a voice for families. By its reporting, The Challenge has affected public policy in an indirect way, by giving parents and advocates reliable information upon which to base their advocacy.