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New Hampshire Department of Health and Human Services
The New Hampshire Department of Health and Human Services (DHHS) is the largest agency in New Hampshire state government, responsible for the health, safety and well being of the citizens of New Hampshire. DHHS provides services for individuals, children, families and seniors and administers such programs and services as mental health, developmental disability, substance abuse and public health.
Click Here for List of Departments and Services
Click Here for the Bureau of Developmental Services – The NH developmental services system offers individuals with developmental disabilities and acquired brain disorders a wide range of supports and services within their own communities. BDS is comprised of a main office in Concord and 10 designated non-profit area agencies that represent specific geographic regions of NH. All direct services and supports to individuals and families are provided in accordance with contractual agreements between BDS and the Area Agencies. Supports include:
Service coordination,
Day and vocational services,
Personal care services,
Community support services,
Early Supports and Services and Early Intervention,
Assistive technology services; and
Specialty services and flexible family supports including respite services and environmental modifications.