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New Hampshire Governor’s Commission on Disability
What does the Commission Do?
Advise the Governor, state agencies and the NH Legislature on the needs, rights and interests of citizens with disabilities.
Coordinate and monitor state agency compliance with the Americans with Disabilities Act.
Make legislative and policy recommendations regarding the adequacy of state programs, plans and budgets for services for persons with disabilities.
Recommend legislation while monitoring and reporting on bills of interest to persons with disabilities.
Sponsor programs to educate the public about disability issues.
Implement and operate the federally funded Client Assistance Program designed to resolve problems that arise between persons with disabilities and vocational rehabilitation and independent living programs.
Administer a program to distribute telecommunication devices to persons who are deaf, hard of hearing, deaf/blind or who have speech or mobility impairments that affect telephone use.
Serve as state affiliate for the Disability and Business Technical Assistance (DBTAC) – New England ADA Center.
Operate an information resource and problem-solving center.
House the Statewide Independent Living Council (SILC) , an independent cross-disability council, which provides leadership and advocacy in support of the independent living philosophy for persons with significant disabilities.