New Jersey Department of Education

Address: , PO Box 500
Trenton, NJ 08625-0500
Fax: (609) 9848422 Website:

The New Jersey State Board of Education has 13 members who are appointed by the Governor with the advice and consent of the New Jersey State Senate. These members serve without compensation for six-year terms. By law, at least three members of the State Board must be women, and no two members may be appointed from the same county.

The Commissioner of Education serves as both the secretary and as its official agent for all purposes. The State Board also has a nonvoting student representative selected annually by the New Jersey Association of Student Councils. The State Board adopts the administrative code, which sets the rules needed to implement state education law. Such rules cover the supervision and governance of the state’s 2,500 public schools, which serve 1.38 million students. In addition, the State Board advises on educational policies proposed by the Commissioner and confirms Department of Education staff appointments made by the Commissioner.

Click HERE for Special Education Information and ProgramsOffice of Special Education Programs – The office implements state and federal laws and regulations governing special education to ensure that pupils with disabilities in New Jersey receive full educational opportunities. It provides statewide leadership through the development of policy and implementation documents and provides guidance to school districts and parents regarding the implementation of special education programs and services.

The office is responsible for administering all federal funds received by the state for educating pupils with disabilities ages 3 through 21. It also monitors the delivery of special education programs operated under state authority, provides mediation services to parents and school districts, processes hearings with the Office of Administrative Law, and conducts complaint investigations requested by the public. In addition, the office funds four learning resource centers (LRCs) that provide schools and parents with information services, materials circulation, technical assistance, consultation services and production services.

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